date: 16-02-2025, evening
author: Kars
Lotta things happened in the meantime. Long story short: we got a new host (Madelief), we're sick and we're trying to find a job without much luck. Just an update, someone else might add onto this, or maybe you'll stay in the dark forever.

Tired part 2
date: 09-02-2025, evening
mood: good!
author: Levin
I feel much MUCH better because I realized why I was feeling so down: I was going to wear a certain dress for an event, but I was wearing that same dress when I was at my lowest. When I put on the dress again, I got huge flashbacks and it nearly turned into a panic attack. I called my friend and could luckily calm down before that happened, which I'm very grateful for. We ended up having a lovely time at the event!

Tired part 2
date: 09-02-2025, morning
mood: tired and sad
author: Levin

In all seriousness: I am so sick an tired of this feeling already and it's only been like... 3 days in a row. It reminds me of how I used to feel and I do NOT want to go back to there. I have a fun day ahead of me, I slept well, why do I want to cry so badly. Make it stop.

Wakey wakey !!
date: 07-02-2025
mood: happy
author: Kitty
Good morning!! I feel A LOT better compared to yesterday, even though I'm still tired as heck. I wanted to dress in our new cute white and pink outfit, but it's wayyy to cold outside and I'm not gonna do much today so I'm not gonna "waste" such a pretty outfit. >:( Still though, the outfit I'm wearing is kinda boring, but at least it has some pink accesoires!

date: 06-02-2025
mood: tired and sad
author: Levin
I woke up feeling absolutely miserable, but it got better. I spend almost my entire day making code for a site of my own and I got almost nowhere and the thing I DID end up making is ugly. I hope that I can make it prettier later, because putting your everything into something and it turning out mediocre or even bad is the worst feeling ever.

date: 05-02-2025
mood: tired, but alright
author: Levin

I helped a friend with making a very difficult and brave decision today. I really can't express how proud I am of her and I have all the faith in her and the situation! Horrible things had to go this way though...

I'm very grateful when I can be of help to others, especially someone so close to me. I'm extra grateful I didn't feel the bitter aftertaste I usually have when helping others. It seems to be less intense when it's about people very close to me, instead of "just" friends. When they aren't close like that, everything stings way more than it should. It's a complicated feeling I wish to get over, one day. Working on it. I might explain more about it one day, but I might not.

date: 04-02-2025, afternoon
mood: a-okay
author: Levin (?)

So we did end up going for a walk and it was actually very nice. We went to McDonald's to get coffee and a cheesecake (which honestly tastes like a stick of butter, but in the best way possible) and it was very good. I feel a lot better now, though still unsure of who I am exactly.

Sad feeling
date: 04-02-2025, morning
mood: tearing up
author: Rex (?)

I'm not too sure who I am, which already sucks, but this feeling of tears almost literally being in my eyes is worse. I wanted to go on a walk today, but now the thought of it makes me want to break down in tears. Maybe that's my sign that I should go, but... just have to feel a little better first.

Pink nails
date: 03-02-2025
mood: alright
author: Rex

Ok, so Leila painted our nails pink yesterday and I can't say I'm ecstatic about it or anything. Don't get me wrong: I like nail polish. I don't even hate pink. Just the combination of those two is... no, thank you. I want to repaint them black, but that probably won't be received well, so I guess I'll have to make the most of it.

Unknown feelings
date: 02-02-2025
mood: alright
author: Leila

I've been holding onto anger ever since I existed. Frankly, it felt like the only emotion I knew how to properly feel, together with it's little brother: annoyance. Yesterday, this changed however, if only for a brief moment. It felt like the push I had needed to... heal? I suppose? I'm not healed, not at all, but maybe this is a start.
Fresh Start
date: 31-01-2025
mood: a-okay
author: Levin

We've been longing for a place to just... express ourselves. Sure, we throw everything together in our little journals only meant for the system's eyes, but it's different than expressing yourself, you know? When I learned about Neocities, I was instantly hooked, but also terrified. Seeing all those tutorials didn't help that, neither did the fact that I had sworn to myself to never start coding. But things change, and before I knew it, I was reading how html and css worked. And even more surprising: I was loving it! I'm having so much fun! I hope I can make this a safe space to express ourselves. We've been wanting to for such a long time, but I feel like I've been keeping everyone back with my doubts. I hope this changes things.