Hello, and welcome to our site! We are The Canvas System, a questioning/suspected DID/OSDD(1-b) system! We really wanted a little space to throw all of our thoughts and art and whatever the heck, so we were determined to make that happen.

We are not medically recognized nor diagnosed, but I hope that you'll take us and our experiences seriously regardless. I would like to add that we have done mountains and years worth of research, and everything feels incredibly accurate to our experiences. Diagnosis or not, what we experience is real, and we just want to discover and express ourselves in this way. Please be kind, but do please educate us!

So yeah, welcome! Stay as long as you want!

Lost? Here is a site map!

We don't have a guestbook or anything (yet, still gotta figure some coding stuff out), but we do want to be open to thoughts and criticism and such. If you would like to say something, please feel very free to send a DM or (anonymous) ask to our Tumblr, @canvas-system! We don't post much, that's what this site is for, but the blog does exist.

You are visitor number...

Make yourself at home!


added Kiki's page!

added Layton's page!

added Madelief's page!

added Kitty's page!

older updates