General info
alternatetext name: Leila (say: "lay-la")
pronouns: she/they
gender: female
terms: femme/neutral terms
sexuality: pansexual
age: 21 y/o

role: trauma holder
source: brainmade
likes: make-up, tight clothes, bright pink
dislikes: powder pink, purple

ABOUT ME- My name is Leila. I've been healing, lately. The anime girl in the picture and wallpapers is Rina Tennoji. I recently learned about her, two minutes ago, but I adore her. She isn't much like me, for as far as I know. I don't have much else to say, sorry. Welcome to my page.

BOUNDARIES- don't call me anything provocative + don't flirt with me


Personal journal


Nothing here yet!

Nothing here yet!