date: 02-02-2025
mood: alright
author: Leila
I felt the need to make my own, personal journal. I know it's basically the same as everything thrown on the other page, but just the idea that I have a little space for me alone is... calming.
Yesterday was intense. I wasn't fronting for long, but the moments I did, many things happened. It felt like a wound that didn't heal properly was ripped open again, so that it can heal fully now. I hope that will be the case.
Levin and I are opposites in ways and funnily enough, we long to be each other. I long for Levin's wishes to help others, while she longs for the walls I built around myself. She wants to be angry, but can't, I want to be silent, but can't. It's hilarious, if you think about it. She mentioned how beautiful it is that we are both part of the same being. That yes, we don't feel the same way, but also we do, as we are one. It's fascinating