Whale plush PNG
Used pixels
Pretty shell PNG
Profile art: @blueberrivv on insta
name: Kiki
pronouns: she/her
gender: female
terms: female terms
sexuality: unknown sexuality
age: 19-21 y/o
role: denial holder
source: brainmade
likes: the ocean, blue
ABOUT ME- My name is Kiki! I don't know what my role is called, but it's basically that I'm the "us" before we realized we had any problems at all, the one in denial. I'm just gonna call that the denial holder lmao. Anyways, I am essentially a dolphin-girl in our headspace and unsurprisingly, I love dolphins and the ocean and such, so I themed my page after it!
BOUNDARIES- Nothing yet, really! Please just be kind
Nothing here yet!